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  • Foto del escritorJavier del Egido Perea

(not exactly) A new journey

It's been a while since I last gave signs of life (4 years... wow... that long?)

Either way! I never understood the meaning of writing a blog… I thought there was no meaning in do it so. That’s why I stoped writing it four years ago. But now i think that it can be useful in some cases. Let me explain.

Let’s come back a few. 

After launching Caterva, the mental burnout was so deep that I needed some breaktime to find a way to rekindle my passion for game dev.

If anyone has ever considered in making video games, should know that it's not an easy path

You can find the game following this link:

After launching Caterva, the mental burnout was so deep that I needed some breaktime to find a way to rekindle my passion for game dev.

If anyone has ever considered in making video games, should know that it's not an easy path.

So, after launching 4 games that could be considered as failures (although finishing and publishing a game could already be considered as a success in itself, but let's be realistic), I think it's time to start keeping a record of what I'm doing...

Now I'm half way throw of developing a 5th game, so hopefully this blog will help me in some way. 

So, this dev blog will have 3 objectives.

First. Keep track of what I'm doing with the game. 

It's easy to lose focus when developing such a large projecte and also easy to under thinking some aspects of the mechanics. Maybe explaining the steps I take will help me think about it better.

Second. The testing and polishing a game is a key aspect of development.

As soon as I have a playable version, I'll make it public and this blog will be use to store all changes made in the game and to recieve feedback for everybody who desire it. 

And last but not least. Make the development proces more public.

The more people knows that the game is in development, the more people will want to know more about it, they might like how it looks, then maybe they want to try it, and hopefully eventually they buy it when it comes out.

I don't think it gonna be easy, but it is one of the fundamentals of promoting anything.

Plus, if what you do is public, oportunities for collaborations are much more likely to arise, whether with other developers ot with publishers. And that's always desirable.

I make games because I really enjoy making them. But ultimately, what I want is to make a living of them, and I have to keep trying different ways to achieve it. 

I already closed my youtube channels because it was taking me up so much development time, but I want to try whriting this blog again.

I hope to find a way to update it regularly with quality conten without wasting much time.

So, thanks for reading. 

In the next blog I will talk about why I believe Caterva was a huge design failure.

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